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Spelling Bee English Contest
Spelling Bee is an English Contest which aims to test students' pronounciation and the fluency of their spoken English.
Participants are divided into groups according to their age. In order to win a prize, participants need to complete tasks like reading aloud and sentences making.
About our Payment Schedule
To settle the payment, we offer 2 methods:
1. Cheque
Download and fill the form, and then send the form with cheque to 'Shop G13-14 La Cite Noble, Hang Hau, TKO' by post.
2. Pay by ATM
Download and fill the form, and then send the form with the ATM receipt to 'Shop G13-14 La Cite Noble, Hang Hau, TKO' by post OR send the form with the image of the ATM receipt to by email.
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